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Monday, March 14, 2022
Assalamualaikum readers

Lama tak menulis apa-apa kat sini, tapi selalu juga masuk tengok-tengok. Rindu nak menulis dan mencatat journal. Daripada seorang remaja, kahwin, beranak pinak dan blog ini masih di sini. Menyimpan kenangan dan memory.

Menyingkap memori sempena tahun 2022, Uqail Mohd Azri dah nak melangkah masuk ke alam persekolahan sebagai anak murid darjah 1. Berbaki kurang daripada 10 hari, anak sulung umi akan pergi sekolah kebangsaan. Terasa cepat sangat masa berlalu, Uqail dah 7 tahun. Alhamdulillah. Nikmat dan usaha kita semua, rezeki Allah Taala. Umi rasa macam berlalu dengan cepat. All remain as history and memory. Sebab Uqail dah nak darjah 1, ummi nak abadikan sikit coretan buat Uqail. Mana tahu suatu masa nanti Uqail jumpa blog Umi dan baca. I love you very much, son. As much as I love your sister, Airis Hafiya. 

This is you when we both still within our pantang. Less than 1 month old but look at that hair, all black and so many. My handsome baby boy.
This was taken when Tokma had shaved all of your hair. Comel je botak, masa ni Uqail was always a good baby. Tak susahkan Umi sangat pun. All the way a good boy sampai ke sekarang. Doa Umi selalu untuk Abang, biar menjadi anak yang baik, soleh dan beradab. Pandai dan cemerlang itu bonus. 

Selalu kecik-kecik dulu orang geram dengan Uqail sebab bambam dan rambut lebat. Hensem katanya, moga-moga menjadi sebahagian doa untuk menjadikan Uqail anak yang hebat pada Umi Abi, Abang yang baik untuk Hafiya dan manusia yang berguna pada agama dan negara.

Uqail Mata Bulat. Sinonim sangat dengan Abang. Mana-mana pergi pun, mesti ada yang tegur dua benda ni. Mata besar dan bulat atau pun rambut lebat hitam pekat. Rezeki kan, setiap 3 bulan dah kena pergi potong. Sejak umur beberapa bulan pun dah selalu kena bawa pergi barber untuk potong rambut sebab Umi nak anak Umi handsome dan cute.
Spotted your little teeth there. Neo natal teeth, gigi yang ada dengan Uqail sejak lahir, sampai ke hari Umi tulis entry ni pun ianya masih ada lagi. This when you were 15kg lighter than now. 

You are growing up now, Son. I know in few years you will no longer clingy as now and I will miss everything about that. As of now, Abang adalah anak manja Umi Abi. Selalu mengalah dengan adik, mudah sebak dan really good with words. You have impressed me in many ways. Tak ada apa yang Umi nak minta dengan Abang melainkan, jadilah anak yang beradab dan beragama. Yang taat kepada agama dan mengerjakan sebaik-baiknya semua yang diperlukan. I love you very much my baby boy. Giving birth to you was a miracle to me, and having you as my first baby is always a blessing. I learnt many thing through you and let's explore more as long as God will. Remember our promise... "to love and holding the hand forever".

Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Assalamualaikum readers

Ya Allah, tajamkan ingatanku ya Allah. 
January 2020
  • CNY balik Kelantan, celebrate dengan family aunty adik my mom. Tahun ni merasa berkumpul ramai-ramai, abang chik pun ada. Sempat ambik gambar big family with cousins yang different race. Teringat ni memang boleh buat sebak. 
  • My lil sister started to work at her current work place. I am happy for her. 
  • Official set up for my son room with his fav color and bedroom set.
February 2020
  • Having a long wait vacation with my bFFs di The Kasturi. Resort superb and nice place to stay with private pool somemore. Amirah was still heavily pregnant to Alham. One of the nicest memories of 2020. 
  • Work issue, VFD damaged on 2nd day arrival from USA. 
  • Maktok, kakak pengasuh kesayangan anak-anak meninggal dunia. 
  • Abang Long (BIL) open up on his planning to remarried and yes, all of us were genuinely happy for him. He deserved the happiness. He was married to his new wife on 22 February. Welcome to the family Kakti. We gonna love you dearly too.
  • Covid 19, kicking in to Malaysia from oversea 
  • Home improvement, we bought new TV & new washing machine.
  • Malaysian politic started to boiling up regarding dissolution of PH.
  • 27 February 2020, Abang chik started to has high fever and was admitted to HRPZ. The saddest part of my 2020. 
March 2020
  • Covid 19 cases increased day by day. 
  • Kenduri at Abang Long's house. I am home for amost every weekend since the week Abang chik was admitted as he's unconscious and need us to keep support & motivate him to wake up.
  • Anak-anak abang chik were transferred temporarily to Ipoh since their mother was staying at hospital taking care for my beloved chik. 
  • My last trip balik Kelantan before the 1st MCO was announced. MCO was started on my husband birthday and since that I am officially grounded at Terengganu and chik's condition were not so good from day to days. I am sorry Chik, we're failing you. We have no choice back then except redha dan bergantung harap pada keajaiban Allah SWT dan keprihatinan pihak ICU Intan HPRZ. 
  • I started to WFH, company was operating at 30% manpower capacity.
  • KakNa bersalinkan Naila.
April 2020
  • My grievance for real. The same month for the passing of arwah ayah. Abang chik kembali ke rahmatullah dengan tenangnya di pagi Khamis, 16 April 2020, seminggu sebelum mula berpuasa. Aku masih wfh, dalam mamai tidur selepas subuh setelah sepanjang malam aku xleh tidur tak tahu fikirkan apa. Kosong! Berita perit, perjalanan yang penuh duka daripada Terengganu balik Kelantan. 13 roadblocks, MCO lagi masa ni. Terpaling kecewa bila mana, anak-anak arwah tidak dapat rentas negeri. Kandas di Gerik. Sampai sekarang ingat semua ni, perit. Sedih, kecewa,pilu. Kerasnya hati pegawai-pegawai bertugas di Gerik tu menafikan perjalanan anak-anak Chik yang dari pagi lepas je perjalanannya dari Ipoh. Allahu, terpaling aku berduka tiap kali mengenangkan peristiwa ni. Semoga Sofea & Rayyan membesar jadi insan berguna, taat kepada Baba & mama, soleh solehah. InshaAllah. 
  • Amirah bersalinkan Alham 28 April 2020.
May 2020
  • Tahun pertama sejak berkerja, jadi isteri orang. Tak balik buka puasa dan beraya dengan Ma. Sedih tapi abide dengan rules yang kerajaan tetapkan.
  • Masa ni kerja dan operasi kilang dah kembali kepada biasa, full capacity with necessary SOP. Alhamdulillah, company agak okay dan bayar gaji seperti biasa walau break seketika semasa MCO.
  • Work related, mesin XRF sampai ke makmal & training for first time via online. 
  • Tahun ni beraya dalam mood sedih, tahun 2019 kehilangan arwah sulong. Tahun ni merasa pemergian Abang chik. It's no joke, real pain strobbing inside. Numbness around and no word to describe what is my real feeling. To the day I am typing all these summaries of my 2020. I still felt the same pain and numbness. 
June 2020
  • MCO officially end on 9 June 2020. I went home on the weekend for Hari Raya. Visiting close family and siblings houses only. 
  • Live a normal life despite grievance and post covid things. Everything pretty well control at this stage but who knows the outbreak become greater soon after MCO lifted, sudden Sabah PRN etc. 
July 2020
  • Uqail & Airis were having their first overnight at Tokma's house.
  • Sudden decision, maybe husband was trying to make my heart flutter. We're suddenly changing our first car to a new car. No proper planning but it just happened to be like that. Everything was so smooth to a point we're feeling bad to cancel our booking. We bidding farewell with our lovely civic FB and pouring the love to new civic FC. What a decision kan.. Basically same car but only different model. As long as you happy, love. Went to KL to handover the FB and bring back the FC
  • Uqail started to go to school back after long break due to MCO + covid. 
  • We went to Sunway Lagoon, grabbing the MCO promo. First vacation after covid.
  • Road trip back to Kedah to celebrate Hari Raya Haji. my first time experience to celebrate Raya with family at Kedah. One of my way to revert my grievance of losing beloved Chik. Everything I did at Kelantan, remind me about him. Like a lot! My heavy heart sways every time I am doing something that he like, I am eating something he love. Because we were too close to each other, with 2 years apart. I believed I am his team of growing up. Losing sibling and family is painful. Telling you the truth!
August 2020
  • 2nd vacation with in law family at PD. Went to hibiscus Lexis with Along, MIL and SIL. 
  • 3rd vacation post covid, went to Sekayu with my Family. We're trying our best to be normal, live normal life after a big hole punched direct to heart. Grievance take time but we do living. We have too. This family day was one of the occasion to chill  and baby steps to live, again!
  • Work related, one of my close colleague leaving the company for new opportunity. Good luck to him and may our path cross again in future.  Thanks for all the guidance and care since 2016. 
September 2020
  • Pai... My long lost Bff sudden call. Thanks Pai. I love you dearly and my door always open for you. Comeback whenever you want, I will be always here for you.
  • 4th holiday with my lil family to GH. Alhamdulillah. Stay safe and kicking up with life accordingly.
October 2020
  • Work related, self improvement and enhancement meeting at KL. Things get better accordingly, all you need to do is keep doing your good work and chin up.
  • Ngah was hospitalized, tbh I am scared. Scare for the things that no one ever ready. But Alhamdulillah, Ngah was getting better after her operation. 
  • Covid outbreak become greater at certain places especially Sabah and Selangor. MCO was announced at several states. 
  • Our 8th wedding anniversary but we're in pandemic. The recent outbreak stops almost everything. I love you and will always do. As promised.
November 2020
  • Revise meal planning with husband, detour to healthier choice. Alhamdulillah, we can saw the progress. Slow progress but inshaAllah we gonna keep this style from now on. Slow and steady.
  • Home improvement with love, install pavement brick on our own. I have to compliment my beloved hubby for his hard work. He's working hard yet he's giving me the present. Went to Kenyir several time and this year I managed to secure my 2nd new set of corelle. Worth a note here as I am not a person who easily spending money on unnecessary thing. Thanks Abang.
  • My family was preparing to do Tahlil for Abang Chik, and suddenly MCO related. I was barred from crossing the state and end up I wasn't attending the majlis. Anyhow, everything went well and as plan. Alhamdulillah. I miss you, still. Chik!
December 2020
  • 2020 is totally year of reflecting, grievance and re-planning. I am losing people that I care and love but at same time 2020 has taught me to be prepared of many things that I never experienced before.
  • Airis was warded twice in December. First admittance was due to bad bacteria infection in her gastro and the 2nd was due to dysentery/diarrhea/rotavirus. 
  • Kids' birthday. We allowed them to choose their own toys as present, having big celebration at Kelantan with family. The home-base family day. Alhamdulillah, all went well.
  • Covid came closer to us. Nothing much we can do but as everyone is evolving around. Do whatever it take to take care of yourself and your love one. Take care folks. May 2021 become brighter than what 2020 has offered to us. 
  • Work related; Alhamdulillah despite Covid 19 and an impactful 2020 to many of us. We're showered with love and rezeki. Alhamdulillah. Let's work harder and give the best for whatever life offer to us ahead. 

    Happy New Year. 
    Thank you 2020, You're Welcome 2021.
    Please be better!!! InshaAllah.

About Me
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Kawan-Kawan Saya
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Aniq Anaqi 0901
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Abg Long 0502
Faqira Dahiya 0802
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Rayyan Rizqi 1103
Husband 1603
Nasrul 2003
Suriana 2103
Fendy 2703
Babygone 2703
Chick 3103
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Left SGMM 240415
Fakhrihadi 0105
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Irsalina 0505
Sofea Azzahra 0505
Fasihah Husna 0605
Ngah 0406
Abg Ngah 0906
Mustaqim 2106
Joined SGMM 13062011
MIL 0207
Azim 1407
Me 1707
Faqhihah Dafinah 2107
Rubee Asyrani 3007
Rubee Nhana 0608
K.Naim 1808
Kassim 2308
Ayien Diey 2608
Hanun 3008
Mommy 0609
Fakhrul 1109
Amirah Asri 1709
Daniel 2709
wedding day 2710
He left SGMM 30102015
He join TSC 02112015
Amira Nasir 0312
Uqail 141215
MiraKassim 121215

  • Tok Aman Bali Beach Resort
  • Century Pine Cameron Highland
  • Gold Coast Morib
  • Hotel Asia
  • Hydro Hotel Penang
  • I-City Boutique Hotel
  • Impiana Resort Cherating
  • Ipoh Boutique Hotel
  • Ipoh Tower Regency Hotel
  • Ixora Hotel, Butterworth
  • M Suite Hotel JB
  • Rainbow Paradise Tanjung Bungah
  • Redgalodge Ipoh
  • Silka Maytower, KL
  • Silka cheras, KL
  • Sunway Hotel, Seberang Jaya
  • Tanjong Demong Beach Resort